Funded Projects

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Problem Statement

Persons with intellectual disability (PWIDs) tend to be prematurely institutionalised due to lack of support options and awareness of existing services and programmes, as well as uncoordinated efforts by agencies. PWIDs also do not have sufficient platforms to advocate for themselves.


The PWID Special Interest Groups programme equips and empowers PWIDs with skills and knowledge to contribute and collaborate with relevant stakeholders through self-advocating and producing deliverables that will directly empower other PWIDs so as to increase awareness and accessibility to services and spaces within their residential areas.


The programme seeks to:

- Improve community integration of PWIDs

- Increase awareness of the needs of PWIDs and to enable PWIDs to live within their community 

- Increase community's capabilities and readiness to welcome and accept PWIDs and their ideas to improve inclusion in the community

  • Grantee

  • Beneficiaries

    Persons with Disabilites

more about grantee

MINDS has been serving persons with intellectual disabilities (PWIDs) since 1962. MINDS’ services include Special Education schools, Training and Development Centres, employment and job placement services, caregiver support services and more.